UBT’s MammoWave® addresses the need for better breast cancer screening techniques, providing a safer and cost-effective alternative as a complementary imaging modality to mammograms. Copper Mountain Technologies’ 2-port C1209 9 GHz VNA is at the core of the MammoWave® system. The data from C1209 measurements, mainly complex S21 measurement, is processed through UBT’s dedicated software, helping to detect cancer cells. The initial version of the system is intended to be a quick, easy to use, and repeatable screening device. “Our mission is to allow ALL women to get screened,” explains Gianluigi Tiberi, UBT’s Head of R&D and co-founder.
Umbria Bioengineering Technologies (UBT), born as an academic spin off from the Department of Physics and Geology of the University of Perugia, Italy, is a biomedical company which develops a portfolio of innovative medical imaging devices based on cutting-edge microwave technology instead of dangerous ionizing radiation (X-Rays). The innovative imaging technology employs low power microwaves. To date, UBT developed two different products:
MammoWave, a novel X-Ray free mammogram for breast cancer screening.
BrainWave, a novel device for brain stroke detection and classification.
Currently, the most commonly used method of breast cancer detection is X-ray mammography. A mammogram is an X-ray examination of the breast and although it has been a fairly effective screening test, it has some drawbacks. X-rays are generally safe, but still carry a risk, especially with excessive exposure. Discomfort and pain are often associated with mammograms and there are limits to their effectiveness, particularly for younger women. UBT’s MammoWave® is a microwave mammogram for breast cancer detection, an X-ray free, comfortable, and effective alternative to X-ray mammography.